Get rid of moles with the solar moler from PrimroseWe use the independent review service Feefo for all of our sites. This helps us both in getting impartial reviews and product feedback from our customers.

Some of the reviews we have received are brilliant and highly unusual, such as this one from Jean about our advanced solar mole repeller:

All moles moved into my neighbour’s garden within a couple of days. Yay, what a result!!

Neighbour asked how I got rid of my moles because he was infested and I made the huge mistake of telling him about your fab product.

Result……he’s bought more repellers than me and the moles have returned to my garden. Booo. Am going to encourage them to move to my neighbours the other side and keep my mouth shut when he asks me how come this has happened!

A good product.

Have you had any problems like this with your neighbours?

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wedding-meCat works in the marketing team and is responsible for online marketing, social media and the newsletter.

She spends most of her time reading about a variety of interesting facts, such as oddly named Canadian towns, obscure holidays and unusual gardening.

She mostly writes about Primrose news and current events.

See all of Cat’s posts.