Now that we’re into September, there’s no use denying that the dreaded spider season is once again upon us, when our 8 legged friends descend upon our homes to escape the cold outside. Over the last week or so alone I’ve had to catch about 5 of the things, and they just seem to be getting bigger and bigger! Luckily there are now a number of different ways to help protect against these invaders.

If you’re looking for something a bit less up close and personal than the classic cup + paper technique, you could try out a spider catcher, or spider vacuum, which won’t hurt the spider, but more importantly keeps the thing at arms length! These little contraptions are great to have ready to hand, and can also be used for hoovering up any other unwanted house-guests you may come across.

However, this still may be too close for comfort for some people (myself included!), and so there are also a number of defences you can put up to protect your home. Why not spray spider repellent around window frames and other entrances to create a natural barrier that is environmentally friendly and won’t harm the creatures. Or if you have a real infestation of spiders and other creepy crawlies, you can clear the whole area in one go with a smoke fumigator – perfect for attics and garages, although maybe a little heavy duty for most cases!

Perhaps the most effective way to guarantee whole-house protection is to opt for an ultrasonic spider repeller. This device works in two ways to help clear your house of spiders, and stop them coming back! It uses ultrasonic sound waves thought to be extremely uncomfortable for spiders and other crawling insects to drive them from your home; kind of like nails scraping on a chalkboard constantly. It also uses electromagnetic waves that turn the wiring of your home into one giant repeller- anywhere near a wire will be protected! Sounds perfect no? It is thought electromagnetism affects their nervous system, making them flee your home. Additionally, you can also get smaller, battery-powered repellers – perfect for greenhouses, sheds, attics etc.

So, you no longer need to live in fear of the legged freaks! Take back control of your home, and enjoy a stress-free, spider-free Autumn.