Flowerpot man KeithThe Addiction Recovery Agency (ARA) is a voluntary organisation set up to treat addictions to drugs and alcohol in Bristol.

Recovering from an addiction requires making huge changes to all areas of ones life; behaviours, relationships, families and social networks in order to develop a quality of life.

Addiction strips away the joy and spontaneity from life – simple things can bring that experience back again! Flowers, getting hands dirty, watching things grow and thrive is a wonderful opportunity to express the change outside which has to take place on the inside.

Jo and plants doing 'Feelings'So staff and clients got together to brighten up the shared courtyard around which all the therapeutic work goes on.

The art group got stuck in making posters, laminated wall hangings and designs of ideas.

Primrose donated the planters that ARA chose for one of the darkest areas and Keda, Katrina (counsellors), Corrado (student counsellor) planted them up and Michael, Gary, Lisa, Dante. Ray, David, Stuart, Shelley, Keith posed and smiled and encouraged the counsellors to do some real work for a change!

wedding-meCat works in the marketing team and is responsible for online marketing, social media and the newsletter.

She spends most of her time reading about a variety of interesting facts, such as oddly named Canadian towns, obscure holidays and unusual gardening.

She mostly writes about Primrose news and current events.

See all of Cat’s posts.