It’s the time of the year when we bring out our garden furniture from storage, only to realise that it’s not looking its best. From gathering dirt in the garage to being left out in harsh weather conditions all year long, salvage your metal garden furniture by following our simple cleaning method.

What you’ll need:

  • Bucket of warm water
  • Gentle washing up liquid (liquid dish soap)
  • Garden hose
  • A sponge or old cloth
  • An old towel

Cleaning method:

  1. Strip the furniture set of any fabrics or cushions and put them aside.
  2. Mix in a couple of drops of washing-up liquid to your bucket of warm water.
  3. Using your sponge or cloth, gently rub the warm soapy water over your furniture set to loosen any dirt that may be sticking to the material. Don’t forget to replace the bucket with fresh water when needed.
  4. Once the metal furniture has been wiped off, take your garden hose and rinse off any remaining dirt or soap.
  5. After rinsing, use an old towel to dry off the excess water. Let your furniture air dry before you put your cushions or throws back on and start using it again.

close up of metal garden furniture

How do you remove algae from metal garden furniture?

Green patches of algae aren’t a pretty sight when they appear on garden furniture. Fortunately, you can get rid of them with a bit of elbow grease and our easy cleaning method.

To remove algae from your metal furniture set, simply mix together 1 part vinegar with 1 part water and use a spray bottle to spray the solution across the affected area. Allow it to stand for 10-15 minutes before wiping it down with a sponge and then rinse off any leftover residue with warm water. If you have particularly stubborn algae stains, repeat the steps above, applying more solution as you go. 

When cleaning metal garden furniture, it’s very important to avoid using brushes or abrasive materials and cleaners that may scratch the surface of the metal. This could lead to permanent damage, so be sure to only use sponges and soft cloths instead.

For a complete guide to cleaning all garden furniture and how to prevent your furniture from needing cleaning so regularly, read our how to clean garden furniture guide. 

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